Patient Education
This section of the website is dedicated to patients, their family members and their friends. We hope to provide an area that is informative and interesting. It is even difficult for physicians to understand persistent pain and our hope is that we can share what understanding we have gained with the people most affected by this condition. Many of the principles described here may be difficult to grasp, and we encourage you to discuss them with your own physicians. We have broken this up into four lessons and have used graphics wherever possible to help illustrate these points. We will continue to add videos, animations and graphics over time and encourage you to go to the Pain Bytes, Animation and Graphics sections of the site to bring these lectures to life and gain a better understanding of the principles presented. We will have several products available in the Product section of this site, including books, e-books, apps, treatment aids and gift packages. Our goal is to help those suffering with persistent pain to develop multiple strategies to replace their pain with pleasure and restore and transform their lives.
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4