Brain Rhythms
(Workbook Page 57)
Large networks in the brain influence each other by using waves of electricity in slow rhythms. These oscillating signals are measured in fractions of a cycle per second, with the optimal rhythms being 1 cycle every 10 seconds. To put this into perspective the lowest sound that is audible to the human ear is 20 cycles a second. Even through these rhythms are slow, they are the fastest processes to make neuroplastic change. Making and breaking synapses takes minutes to hours, but changing these network influences only takes a matter of seconds. While these network rhythms cause rapid change in brain function, they also make it harder for the brain to re-establish old patterns. Capturing these rhythms and restoring them to normal is an excellent strategy for restoring normal brain processes and function.
This animation combines the sound of Tibetan Singing Bowls being gonged once every ten seconds with a visual of the Default Mode Network and the Frontoinsular Salience Network fading in and out at the same rhythm. This provides visual, auditory and motion stimuli to the observer creating a neuroplastic environment promoting the brain's resting state. A second rhythm is established of one to two and one half cycles per second by the hum generated between the two different bowls. The soundtrack came from Brain Music: Default Mode Network and is a good example if listens wish to hear one of these soothing songs. The animation and accompanying sound are both neuroplastic exercises in and of themselves.